Architecture by Valerio Dewalt Train -West. Installations by Lacey Engelke with VDT. 
Timeline of Innovation designed by Lacey Engelke with VDT. 
World Wide Office Locations Installation. -And a peek of the campus wayfinding graphics
The Patent Wall @ SanDisk. Patent Wall featuring 1/3 of the current patents owned by Sandisk.
Typical Patent
Patent cover pages seen here are scaled down 60% directly printed on first surface of the acrylic, back painted white and mounted to the larger panel. Panels suspended with hardware along the curvature.
Wayfinding designed by VDT. 
Wayfinding inspired by carpet.
Architectural facade by VDT. 
Photos copywright of David Wakely 
Architecture by VDTA 
Art Direction and Branded Environments by Lacey Engelke with VDTA
Photography Copyright David Wakely Photography 
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